July 4, 2024

Celebrating Vivici's Sports Challenge Success

Celebrating Vivici's Sports Challenge Success

Celebrating Vivici's Sports Challenge Success

At Vivici, we’re thrilled to announce the success of our Sports Challenge, a dynamic initiative designed and led by our Application Scientist, Silke Rinsma. In just over a week, our team of 15 dedicated members has collectively achieved more than 7 million steps, which is equivalent to walking 5600 kilometers!

Silke Rinsma, Food Technologist

The Sports Challenge was created to inspire healthier lifestyles among our employees by encouraging reduced car usage, exploring new sports, and enjoying nutritious meals. By converting various activities—such as team sports, chores, cycling, and walking—into steps, we've fostered a sense of community and accountability. This initiative has also led to significant environmental benefits; by biking or walking instead of driving, we've saved approximately 201.6 kilograms of CO2 emissions. Special recognition goes to those heroes who chose to take a bicycle instead of their usual car ride, making a substantial contribution to this reduction in emissions.

The impact of this challenge has been profound. Team members feel more energized, connected, and healthier. The camaraderie and support among colleagues have grown, as we've cheered each other on and shared tips and experiences. The benefits extend beyond physical health, fostering a workplace culture that values well-being, teamwork, and a bit of friendly competition.

Moreover, our team has participated in more than 25 diverse activities, including half marathons, rock climbing, dancing, and netball tournaments. These activities have added excitement and variety to the challenge, ensuring that everyone could find something they enjoy.

Since the introduction of The New Standard of Protein, we were all fuelled by protein bars, beverages, and shakes, all made at Vivici by our application food technologists. This program not only highlights our commitment to health and sustainability but also demonstrates the power of a united team working towards common goals.

Stephan van Sint Fiet, CEO

We are incredibly proud of the enthusiasm and commitment shown by everyone at Vivici. The Sports Challenge is a testament to our shared values and the vibrant, supportive culture we nurture here. Here’s to continued health, energy, and team spirit!

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