September 6, 2024

Achieve Higher Protein Concentrations in Beverage Formulations: Essential Strategies for R&D Professionals

Achieve Higher Protein Concentrations in Beverage Formulations: Essential Strategies for R&D Professionals

By Kiran Subbarayadu

Food Technologist


As demand for high-protein beverages continues to rise, R&D professionals face the challenge of formulating shelf stable protein drinks that achieve higher protein concentrations and deliver an excellent sensory experience. This guide explores strategies to overcome common formulation challenges and highlights innovative protein solutions to enhance your formulations(1).

Key Protein Sources and Challenges

When creating protein-enriched beverages, understanding the characteristics of various protein sources is essential. Each type offers unique benefits and presents specific challenges:
Whey proteins: Known for its high bioavailability and a complete amino acid profile, whey protein is ideal for nutrition. The downside of whey protein is that it tends to denature and aggregate under heat quite easily, especially at slightly acidic and neutral pH, which can lead to cloudiness, coagulation, fouling and sedimentation.
Milk Proteins (Caseins): These proteins contribute to a creamy texture and have a balanced amino acid profile. However, their slower digestion and limited stability in acidic conditions can make them less suitable for certain beverage applications.  
Plant-based proteins: These proteins offer a sustainable alternative but often pose challenges with solubility, taste, and texture. To counteract these challenges, additional stabilizers and masking agents are often needed.
Protein hydrolysates: While easily digestible and typical rapidly absorbed, hydrolysates can introduce a bitter taste, affecting the overall flavor profile.
Each of these protein sources presents unique considerations that must be addressed to develop successful high-protein water-based beverages (1)(2)

Heat Stability: A Key Factor

When developing high-protein water-based formulations, understanding heat stability is crucial for ensuring the quality and consistency of the beverage. Proteins behave differently under various temperature conditions, and selecting a protein source that maintains stability during processing is key. Proteins can denature when exposed to heat, leading to the loss of their native structure and functionality, and often resulting  extensive aggregation. At different pH levels, they may exhibit varying degrees of stability. Ensuring the use of compositions that have sufficient stability to withstand heat treatment, either at acidic and neutral pH, is critical to develop a shelf stable beverage.  

Whey proteins are generally heat stable at acidic pH levels and are therefore commonly used in acidic beverages like fruit-flavored drinks. However, upon denaturation at neutral pH they more easily aggregate, leading to turbidity and sedimentation. Plant proteins may display a similar behaviour, where heat treatments lead to protein coagulation and product instability. For instance, high protein drinks formulated from e.g., faba and pea proteins may aggregate or coagulate when exposed to UHT(Ultra-high-temperature processing ) conditions. The selection of appropriate protein sources could help mitigate these challenges(3)(4).

Managing Viscosity and Mouthfeel:

Increasing the protein content in beverages often leads to higher viscosity, impacting the beverage mouthfeel. This effect is especially pronounced with plant-based proteins, which tend to increase viscosity and cause a thicker and sometimes gritty consistency. In contrast, whey and milk proteins generally produce a smoother texture. For example, whey proteins tend to have a lower impact on viscosity, making them suitable for watery beverages with a lighter mouthfeel. Milk proteins, including casein, contribute to a creamier texture and moderate viscosity, making them ideal for rich, dairy-like drinks. These properties are important to consider for consumer acceptance, as it ensures the beverage remains palatable and easy to consume (1)(3).  

Stability Over Shelf Life

Protein beverages need to meet certain shelf life requirements. Formulating for long-term stability can be challenging due to issues like sedimentation and texture changes, which can affect the product’s appearance and performance. Whey protein drinks, typically acidic, benefit from the heat stability of whey proteins in low pH environments, which helps maintain clarity and prevents aggregation. Milk proteins, especially casein, contribute to a creamy texture but can sometimes lead to phase separation over time. Proper formulation and processing techniques, such as hydration and stabilizer use, are crucial for maintaining the stability of both whey and milk protein-based drinks throughout their shelf life.
Also plant protein drinks may face several stability challenges over their shelf life, including sedimentation, creaming, (oil) coalescence, and flocculation. These issues can be mitigated by introducing a homogenization step or using additional stabilizers and emulsifiers, although it may increase formulation complexity and cost(1)(5)​.

Flavor Profile and Sensory Experience:

High-protein drinks often encounter issues with mouthfeel and taste. Certain milk proteins and plant proteins can thicken a beverage, which may feel heavy at high inclusion levels, while hydrolysates will have a lower viscosity impact, but can introduce bitterness. To improve the sensory profile, flavor masking agents and sweeteners are frequently used. However, these additions can expand the ingredient list and may include ingredients which some consumers prefer to avoid. Balancing these elements is crucial for creating a clean label high-protein beverage with excellent sensory performance​​(6).

Innovation Through Precision Fermentation: The Future of Protein Beverages:
Recent advances in food technology, particularly precision fermentation, have provided innovative solutions to these challenges. Precision fermentation allows for the production of specific proteins with desirable sensory and functional properties, making it possible to enhance protein content while maintaining or even improving the overall quality of the beverage.

ViviteinTM BLG, produced through precision fermentation, is an advanced ingredient designed for water-based protein formulations.


Complete Amino Acid Profile: Ensures comprehensive nutritional benefits.

Excellent Heat Stability: Performs well under high-temperature processing.

Low Viscosity: Offers a light mouthfeel without grittiness.

Neutral Flavor: Preserves the beverage’s intended flavor profile.

Sustainable: Vegan-friendly, animal-free, and produced with minimal environmental impact.


For R&D professionals, achieving higher protein concentrations in water-based formulations involves addressing challenges related to solubility, stability, and sensory experience. By leveraging innovative solutions like precision fermentation and high-quality proteins such as ViviteinTM BLG, you can develop effective formulations that meet both performance and sustainability goals. Embracing these advanced ingredients and techniques will help you create high-quality, consumer-friendly protein beverages that stand out in the market.


1. R. Singh et al. "Invited review: Shelf-stable dairy protein beverages-Scientific and technological aspects.." Journal of dairy science (2022).
2. Qamar, Sadia, et al. "Nuts, cereals, seeds and legumes proteins derived emulsifiers as a source of plant protein beverages: A review." Critical reviews in food science and nutrition 60.16 (2020): 2742-2762.
3. M. Nawaz et al. "Quality Attributes of Ultra-High Temperature-Treated Model Beverages Prepared with Faba Bean Protein Concentrates." Foods, 10 (2021).

4. V. Bernal et al. "Thermal Stability of Whey Proteins – A Calorimetric Study." Journal of Dairy Science, 68 (1985): 2847-2852.
5. Patra, T., Rinnan, Å., & Olsen, K. (2021). The physical stability of plant-based drinks and the analysis methods thereof. Food Hydrocolloids, 118, 106770.

6. Russell, T. A., Drake, M. A., & Gerard, P. D. (2006). Sensory properties of whey and soy proteins. Journal of Food Science, 71(6), S447-S455.

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